How do I use zero weighting?

When you create questions, you have the option of adding a weight to each answer. Weights are usually used with scale answers and allow for calculating average, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, and other statistical measures. If you plan to use 0 (zero) as a weight, zero weighting must be turned on so that averages and other measures are calculated correctly. If zero weighting isn't turned on, any responses with a weight set to zero will be ignored in calculations.

Note: Most customers currently have zero-weighting turned on by default. If you are unsure, please contact Allegiance Customer Support for assistance.

When zero-weighting is on, if you have a question that has N/A or (none of the above) as an answer choice, you have to define how it should be handled. If you don't want the value included in calculations, click the gear icon next to the answer and choose "Exclude from calculations". For example, suppose your answers are weighted from 0-10, and you receive a total of 100 responses. The average would be calculated by dividing by 100. However, if you also include N/A as a possible answer and 15 people give the N/A answer, the average would be calculated by dividing by 115 (total responses). The N/A responses should not be included in the average since answering N/A is essentially the same as skipping the question altogether. By setting the NA option to "Exclude from calculations", you can avoid these being included in the calculation.